Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Brig. Tolit appointed defence envoy to AU

Brig. Tolit appointed defence envoy to AU

Brig. Fred Tolit, Uganda’s defense attaché to the African Union

President Museveni has deployed the former Chairman of the General Court Martial, Brig. Fred Tolit, as Uganda’s defense attaché to the African Union (AU) headquarters in Ethiopia.
The army spokesperson, Lt Col Paddy Ankunda, confirmed that the president had appointed Tolit as a defense attaché to AU headquarters in Addis Ababa on a three-year renewable contract.

Before the president appointed him to chair the army court for a one-year term that expired in May, Tolit served as a defense advisor to the Uganda permanent mission to the United Nations during the time when Uganda chaired the UN Security Council with Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda as the country’s permanent representative.

Ankunda said Tolit would take up his new assignment soon. Tolit served as director of military intelligence and security from 1993 to 1998. 

He also served as chief of operations and training in UPDF in 1998, 2nd Division commander, Defense liaison officer in the East African Community secretariat between 2005 to 2009 and assistant chief of staff from 2001 to 2003.

He was commander for 2nd division and infantry division (2000 to 2001), army MP (2001 to 2006), operation intelligence officer, division intelligence officer and battalion intelligence officer among other appointments.

He disposed of a case of spreading harmful propaganda and conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline against Brig. Henry Tumukunde that had been before court for eight years. Tolit sentenced Tumukunde to severe reprimand, a strong warning in the military.

He also sentenced Pte. Patrick Okot to 90 years for killing ten civilians and soldiers in Bombo town in March. During his tenure as chairman of the army court, Tolit rehabilitated the court building, procured new furniture and improved the welfare of the staff. He also initiated plans for the construction of a library at the army court.

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